2021 Season kickoff

We started off our show season with Blair Cox and had a blast out there. I gave Blair a Jackall ReRange 130 to start the morning off and for the next hour I got out fished by at least five to one. It was more than a little cold in the morning and we ended up in rain gear for a while but the fish were biting and that helps to take your mind off of frozen fingers. It brightened up in the afternoon and the fishing got even better.
We had a great chat with Blair on the FishKids project that he started working on last year to provide kids less fortunate than ourselves with rods, reels and tackle. He is doing some great things out there and you can check him out on FishKids.ca.
This was a great kickoff to our season and I am switching gear and getting ready to hit the Miramichi on Saturday for show two. It is looking to be a busy year.
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