The Mighty Miramichi River

For our second show of the year we invited Mike Holland, Minister of Natural Resources to jump in the boat with us. We had a lot of fun and caught some fish putting 44 in the boat from 730 am to 330 pm. We caught them on Sand Eels, flukes and a bunch on JerkZ’s from Make sure to get some big hooks for the JerkZ’s, they have some bulk and need at least a 7/0 .The Lowrance was great for showing us the fish and schools of them were swimming up river. It was tough to get them to bite but we got our share of them. Check out the show this fall and hear Minister Holland talk about some of the initiatives he is involved in this year. Our gear today was 7′ MH Shimano rods, 2500 & 4000 Shimano Stradic reels and 20lb Power Pro braided line and a 20 lb flourocarbon learder. See you on the water.20210515_083022 (2)

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