Last Day at the Marsh

I hate to say it but Thursday was my last day fishing Stick Marsh until next year. The fish had started moving shallow again with a full moon coming this weekend and Judy and I had a great day yesterday. The wind switched north overnight so I wasn’t sure what to expect this morning. Had three friends from NB meet me in Fellsmere and we headed into the ramp at 7am. I got them all set up with some Shimano rods and reels and away we went.

 We got down to the south end and we had about a one foot chop blowing right into the wood which made it a bit dicey manouvering the boat around but Chris was into a fish within a couple of  minutes of us starting, then he got another one, then another one, then the talk turned to whether or not we should abandon him on a stump for a while so someone else could get one.  As it turned out we all ended up with fish and it got better as the sun burned through the mist. The water was dirtied up a bit from Wednesday but it didn’t seem to bother the fish too much.

As funny as it sounds the fish count was the same as the day before at 62 although we did have to fish a bit longer to get there. Dennis got the big one at 6.72 lbs. We had several in the six pound range but the average was 2 1/2 to 4 lbs. Not a bad way to spend the day.

The pictures are all on their cameras and I will get some posted when they forward them to me. Packing up and heading home in the morning to get set up for the Moncton Boat Show. Drop in and say hello.