Miramichi Lake interview

By: Rick Greene

My producer Shawn and I drove up to Miramichi City today and interviewed Mark Hambrook from the Miramichi Salmon Association to get his views on the efforts to eradicate the population of Smallmouth Bass that were illegally introduced into the lake. Mark agrees that the DFO is having an effect on reducing the population of spawning fish and the removal of young of the year fish but feels that the use of Rotenone is what it is going to take to make sure that they get them all. This is going to be a tough show to edit with so much good information being exchanged. It is a shame that the government is being forced to spend these huge amounts of money to clean up a mess by some unthinking fisherman who caused this problem.

We got to visit the salmon hatchery and watch a group of school kids going through and learning about the operation they are running.