The good news is that the show is a go for 2012. I had a great meeting with the folks at Rogers yesterday to review the season and plan the new one. My producer, Shawn, got me down in the editing room to show me the finished show we did with the Premier. It is a good one. We probably had enough footage to make two shows out of it.

We are going to change things up a bit for next year and the first guest is already lined up for a show on trout fishing. Looks like I am going to have to break out and dust off the fly rod for that one. I am also going to have another go at lining up someone to get us out for some Salmon fishing. We tried this year but it just didn’t work out.

If you have any ideas for something you would like to see on a show I am always open to comments and suggestions. Just drop me a note through the contact us page.

I hope you all had as much fun fishing this year as I did.

Rick Greene